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Saturday, September 15, 2007 |
I'm finally back. Well, I have been back for a while, but haven't felt much like writing. I really don't feel like doing much of anything at the moment, but figured I should get a little something out. Made it up to Keene about a month ago. Helen and I found a great place, at the last minute. Its bigger than any apartment I have ever lived in. Started work at Wendy's pretty much right away, and that seems to be going well. Its not fun, but its a paycheck. And I seem to get along with almost everyone.
Isabel has started kindergarten, which was both a wonderful thing, and a scary thing. I'm glad that she is ready for school, and she is doing great. But it is sad to think that this is the beginning of the end of her carefree childhood days. Of course kindergarten is easy, but soon there will be homework and tests and studying and friends and (gasp) boyfriends. And, she has gotten such an attitude on her since starting school. Of course, she has always had an attitude which she learned from me :-) But, I think she is picking up from other kids as well. I am scared for the teenage years with her. I'm ready for those other scary milestones you have to pass with kids. Not going to have any problems with the sex talk. But, dealing with a teenager is going to be a nightmare. By the time she is that old, she will have an attitude to match mine and it will be WWIII in our house every day I'm sure!
Aaron is in daycare all day while I work. Its been hard on him. He has spent the last year and a half home with with me every day, with Donny barely around. And he is having a hard time adjusting. He was in daycare when we lived in Hays, but that was a few years ago. I drop him off in the morning and he just cries, and through the tears is saying he loves me, and doesn't want me to go, and is gripping onto my shirt. It breaks my heart. Luckily the daycare teachers are all very nice, and come right to the rescue. And they say that once I leave he usually cheers up. Its still hard to leave him there every day.
Anyway, just a short entry to say I am back, and surviving. Eventually I will have the motivation to write on a more frequent basis. |
posted by Heather @ 9:04 PM  |
Moving |
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 |
Okay, haven't written in a while. And probably won't be writing for a while after this post. I am going to be moving and will be without internet for at least a couple weeks until I get everything set up at the new place.
The kids and I are moving to Keene to live with my sister. Donny left (again) *rolls eyes*. Its a long story and its the same story as every other time he left, so I'll leave it at that. But, when one door closes another door opens, or something stupid like that. It will be cool living with my sis. We have gotten very close over the past few years, she is one of my best friends. So, besides the fact that I am allergic to her cats, it should be awesome. I'll be working at Wendy's. Never thought I'd be stuck in fast food again. But hey, now I can expand my resume. Not only can I say "original or extra crispy?" with great authority, but I can add "would you like fries with that?". Yeah, I'm really moving up in the world.
Well, guess that's it for now. I will try to get back to writing on a more regular basis after I get things settled. |
posted by Heather @ 6:43 PM  |
Interesting |
Thursday, June 28, 2007 |
Got this idea from mom's blog, and apparently its a popular thing to put in your blog right now :-) Basically you type "(your name) needs", into Google. So I typed "Heather needs," and then type in the top ten things that pop up, that aren't other people's needs lists. Some of them are really silly! So, here mine are!
1) Heather needs men...Now! 2) Heather needs two therapists 3) Heather needs a childhood 4) Heather needs a dishwasher 5) Heather needs Gatorade 6) Heather needs some body guards 7) Heather needs a name 8) Heather needs VEGGIES!!! 9) Heather needs new boobs. 10) Heather needs your financial support to get her message to the voters.
Weird. I put in the punctuation exactly as it was on 1 and 8, thought it was amusing. I have a man (singular), but men, eh? I might consider it. :-) I probably do need a team of therapists. I had a childhood, long ago. I have a dishwasher, but it does suck. I hate Gatorade. Pretty sure I am not famous enough to need a bodyguard. Uh, yeah, I have a name. I totally should eat some veggies, but I won't. I like my boobs and plan to keep them. And, if anyone would like to send some financial support my way, maybe I will consider the new boobs. :-p |
posted by Heather @ 8:32 PM  |
Pic |
Sunday, June 24, 2007 |
We had a BBQ last night at mom's for fathers day and my sisters birthday. I took tons of pictures, but this one was my favorite :-)
She is such a cutie! And she stood there very patiently smelling the flower while I messed around with the white balance on my crappy camera :-p
posted by Heather @ 2:04 PM  |
I just had to put some of these in :-) |
Friday, June 22, 2007 |
You Are Wind |  Strong and overpowering A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you You have the power to change everything around you
You are best known for: your wrath
Your dominant state: commanding |
Your Theme Song is Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd |  "There is no pain, you are receding. A distant ship�s smoke on the horizon. You are only coming through in waves."
You haven't been feeling a lot lately, and you think that's a good thing. The comfortable part is nice... but you should really work on numb. |
The Movie Of Your Life Is An Indie Flick |  You do things your own way - and it's made for colorful times. Your life hasn't turned out how anyone expected, thank goodness!
Your best movie matches: Clerks, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite |
Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male |  Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female You are both sensitive and savvy Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
posted by Heather @ 9:19 PM  |
I know you will all be heart broken |
Well, I have decided to close my Myspace account. I know this is devastating news for all six or so people that I actually talked to. But I know you will be able to move on, and find new "friends" to fill my empty space. In all seriousness, it just seems to be an addicting waste of time. And I already find a thousand ways to waste time every day, I don't need another. I have met a couple of nice people, but for the most part the people on my Myspace are people I actually speak to in person, and I am not the type of person to say "well, I could call so and so, but I would rather leave 50 comments on their page." Furthermore, as anyone can see from this blog, I am terrible at blogging on a regular basis. So basically my Myspace is just a bunch of pictures of friends. Despite all these downsides to Myspace, I still find myself logging in everyday. Its like a drug addiction. If I haven't checked my Myspace, I feel like I have missed out on something important. This is disturbing. So, there you have it, no more Myspace. :-)
I added a new link to the DM of the Rings. Its a comic based on the LOTR (using screen shots from the movies), written as if it were a D&D campaign. I don't play D&D and it took me a bit to understand all the references to the game, but once you get it, its hilarious. Again, you can see here that I can find plenty of ways to waste my time, but this one is actually very amusing and worth checking out.
I still haven't done anything with my new yarn. I'm having a hard time finding a pattern that works well with it, and its frustrating the heck out of me. So I have given up on it for a while. I am working on an afghan right now, just using my stash and a simple garter stitch ridge pattern on circular needles. Its easy enough that at the end of the day, when the kids are in bed, I can just mindlessly knit. No stress involved. Its going to be interesting, as I have several colors of yarn, none of which really go together. I will post a pic when I am further along. |
posted by Heather @ 11:46 AM  |
I'm A Bad Blogger |
Sunday, May 13, 2007 |
 Okay, so I haven't blogged in over a month. But hey, we all knew that would happen! So, to all the loyal fans of my blog (yes, mom, I mean you!), my bad. But, in my defense, I have no life, and therefore nothing to really blog about :-p
So, pictures! There are a couple pics here of the teapot hot pad pattern I made. I actually never finished knitting it myself (bad, bad), but these are pics of the one mom made from the pattern to give her mom on mother's day. It came out okay, kind of long. But hey, I never said I was good at this.
We went to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival today. It has become our yearly mother's day ritual, well for two years in a row anyway. This year was more enjoyable than last year, both because my dad was able to watch the kids so Helen, mom and I could go alone, and it wasn't one giant mud pit this year. Last year we had so much rain just before the festival the whole fair grounds were a mess. This year my goal was to buy some yarn I would actually make something with! I bought yarn last year to make a felted bag, and its still waiting to be worked. I really am not sure what I was thinking when I picked the yarn last year. Its nice yarn, but its pink. And anyone who knows me knows I steer clear of pink. I think I will need to make something for someone else with it. But this year I got something I will definitely use! I'm going to say its 50% merino and 50% wool (I am pretty sure that is correct). Hand dyed of course. Blue and gray. Hard to say what it will look like worked up, but I plan to make a lacy scarf, and if there is enough a small bag. Its non felting, but since I am capable of getting stains on just about anything that works well for me. I will post a pic of it tomorrow. As soon as the sun goes down, my camera is completely useless.
Well, that is really all there is to report for now. I always have so little to say, but for some reason I just feel I must have a blog. Everyone else is doing it! Peer pressure!!! I complain to people that I have nothing to blog about and they say "just be funny." Apparently I am quite amusing in person. Just not in writing. Although if I continue to post pictures of patterns I designed I could probably get a few good laughs! What do you think? |
posted by Heather @ 8:57 PM  |
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Name: Heather
Home: Keene, New Hampshire, United States
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